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People In The Medicine Hat Can Now Pay Property Taxes Via Credit Card
Property Taxes payment has become easier than ever. After the arrival of COVID-19, there is a huge rise in the credit card transaction. Moreover, people are losing their jobs and so, keeping cash in the pocket might be tight for the time being.
Considering the present situation the local council has recently passed a new law. Taxpayers in the Medicine Hat will have option to pay their property taxes via credit card.
Medicine Hat is a city in southeast Alberta, Canada. It is located along the South Saskatchewan River. In a 6-3 vote, a new bylaw has been passed. As a result, taxpayers can use their credit amount to pay the property taxes. In fact, it is a very good news for the taxpayers as there will not be any additional burden for paying taxes. The City will also wave 1.8 percent transaction fee.
The city says, “It is an additional matter of convenience for people in a time where cash might be tight”.
Well, there was a huge discussion behind it and Turner who was one of the three councillors was against this bylaw. According to him, the City would incur an unnecessary expense.
Turner said, “And we don’t really know how much money we’re voting on here. For example, if we collect $10-million of taxes using credit cards it’s going to cost $180-thousand”. Property taxes payment is important and should be done in time.
He further added. “My feeling is the majority of people who are going to use the credit card are going to be doing it to get their air miles or cashback. The rest of the taxpayers of Medicine Hat are going to foot the bill”.
Mayor Ted Clugston says that it is a big advantage for those people who have money as well as credit cards to pay in advance.
According to him. “Because of this year’s unique situation, we’re not only allowing the deferral for three months. But then we’re allowing a payment plan over the next 12-24 (months) to pay it back. This will hopefully be an incentive for those that can pay to pay early. Because you have to pay by August 21 which is before the deadline. And, or, those that are in a situation that they’re struggling and credit card does provide them an option they maybe wouldn’t have had otherwise or freed up cash flow”. Property taxes generate a substancial amount of revenue.
Clugston added, “We’re investing our money. We’re not like other municipalities who are perhaps in some cash flow insolvency problems that absolutely need this cash. But we will make good use of it should we get it earlier than perhaps three months, year, or two years”.