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Online Transaction Vs Offline Transaction
The online transaction has become one of the efficient ways to make bill payments nowadays. But, before the arrival of advanced payment terminals and online transactions, people used to make offline transactions. Standing in the 21st century, most people still believe that offline transaction is one of the secured ways to make transactions. However, different people have different perspectives and this is why the debate over online and offline transactions will always remain active. We at International Payment Solutions understand the current situation very well and we always promote the right things. The online mode, as well as the offline mode, has its own advantages as well as disadvantages and we want to highlight the major differences between these two types of transactions in order to give you a concrete idea. So, don’t miss to go through the following points:
Offline Transactions
Most of the time Offline transaction refers to cash transactions, however,
The credit card machines can take offline payments from credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Amex and etc.) for up to 7 days.
The offline payments option is enabled by default for:
When a connection becomes available, your device automatically submits offline payments for authorization, and once authorized, you receive your deposits and your customers receive receipts.
and you might be surprised to know there is a lot of fraud happening across the globe through offline transactions.
Well, we have made research and highlighted the core advantages of using offline transactions.
Cases that offline transaction would help:
-Airlines to take payment from passengers while they are onboarded.
-In case the internet connection is down
Advantages: The advantages of offline transactions are as follows:
Transparent: Transparency is something that keeps the offline transaction ahead of the online transaction. Consumers can transparently make the transactions and it means that the receiver as well as the lender will be sure about the cash transactions while dealing. Moreover, it is a traditional method and so, people have a deep trust in it. Technology might not break this trust within a short period of time.
Direct And Simple: The best part of the offline transaction is that it is very simple. And here, the payment method is direct. It means that the consumers as well as the merchants will not have to rely on any other type of payment terminals such as a virtual terminal, online payment gateway and many more. The entire transaction will be hand to hand.
Easy To Use: The best part of the offline transaction is that it is very easy to use and therefore people belonging to different ages can easily make transactions. When it comes to online transactions, people must have a little bit of technology. Therefore, from this perspective, the offline transaction is far better than the online transaction.
Disadvantages: Well, the disadvantages of the offline transaction are mentioned below:
Huge Limitation: Well, there are many limitations to an offline transaction. the offline transaction is only Pin verified, it meant that in order for the transaction gets completed the credit card machine needs to be online and complete the authorization.
Too much risk: If you are a merchant and you willing to take a payment offline you are taking risk due to not complete transaction, you might get declined once the terminal gets online due to not sufficient balance in the cardholder account!
Not Suitable For Big Transaction: even though offline transactions require cardholders to sign the sales receipts but If you are making a big transaction, The offline transaction will not be suitable for you. Yes, risking a big amount of money will not be good for you and there will be a chance of chargebacks or decline. In such a case, you have to make an online transaction.
Online Transaction
Well, the disadvantages of offline transactions and the advancement of technology are the main reasons behind the arrival of the online transaction. People in the 21st century are familiar with online transaction modes such as credit card transactions, debit card transactions, mobile wallet payment, QR code payment and many more. We have added the advantages below in order to give a concrete idea about such a transaction.
Advantage: Online transaction has endless advantages and we have highlighted some of them below:
Quick And Easy: Online transaction is very quick as well as easy. You can transfer funds in just a few taps. Moreover, if you want to make a big transaction, you can still make it with the help of online modes. Online transactions allow consumers to transfer a big amount of money.
Track All The Transactions: Well, in the case of online transactions, merchants can easily track all the transaction. There will be a record of all transactions. It lets them understand the growth of business easily.
Accepts All Forms Of Payments: If you see the ecosystem of offline payment, you will understand that, it does not allow the merchants to accept all forms of payments. But, on the other side, if you have your online payment gateway and advanced payment terminals, you will able to accept all forms of payments easily.
Disadvantages: Well, an online transaction is not completely devoid of negative aspects. We have added some of them here:
Card Fraud: Well, when you are making online transactions, there will be a chance of fraudulent activity. But, with the advancement of technology, online payment modes have become more secure.
Person’s Identity: You cannot let others make the online transaction with your cards. Your personal identity is required.
So, these are the differences between online transactions and offline transactions.
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