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In-Person Credit Card Payments Will No Longer Be Accepted At Essex Town Hall
Considering the present situation where maintain physical distancing is very much required, many businesses in Canada have stopped accepting in-person credit card payments. But, it is not interrupting the cash flow of their businesses as merchant service providers are offering various alternative payment solutions such as virtual terminal and many more.
Amid COVID-19, the Town of Essex will no longer accept in-person credit card payments. But, according to the Town Council, it has nothing to do with the pandemic.
Town council said that it just costs too much. According to him. “Fees associated with processing credit card payments have nearly tripled over the past ten years, to the point the town now pays $72,000 a year”.
Fees associated with the processing of credit card payments represent a significant annual cost to the Town. Since 2010, the cost of those fees has nearly tripled to $72,000 per year. In June of 2018, credit card transactions were limited to $1,000 per day, per property tax account. These costs have been historically funded through property taxation and all residents of the municipality.
Jeffrey Morrison, Treasurer/Director, Corporate Services said. “This is the next step towards reducing the impact of credit card fees on the Town’s operating costs”. He further added, “While residents will no longer be able to pay with their credit cards in person, we offer a number of convenient alternatives”. Credit card payments is undergoing a change.
Treasurer and Director of Corporate Services is really hopeful and they are going to offer many convenient alternatives to the people of Essex.
Credit cardholders can still make payments for recreational services and property tax. Well, it might be for the time being. New credit card payments is becoming popular.
However, when it comes to the paying property taxes, the Town is offering various alternative methods that we are covering now:
Drop boxes located at the Harrow and Colchester South Community Centre (243 McAffee Street, Harrow) and Town Hall (33 Talbot Street South, Essex Centre)
Telephone and online banking
Pre-authorized payment plan (apply using the Pre-Authorized Debit Agreement for Property Taxes Enrollment Form
Online payment with the new Virtual City Hall
In person payment at Town Hall, 33 Talbot Street South, Essex
In addition to this, the virtual City Hall Credit Card transaction fee will also be waived until the end of the year. Credit card payments is doinga great job.
Essex is also promoting E-Billing. They are recommending to ‘go paperless this year with E-Billing’. Taxpayers can now view their tax notices faster. Moreover, it is very environment-friendly. Taxpayers now have the option to receive their tax notices through e-mail.